Herndon-Reston FISH
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Herndon-Reston FISH Whistleblower Policy
Herndon-Reston FISH expects all employees, volunteers, and officials to act with honesty and integrity and to conform to all relevant policies and law. The purpose of the whistle-blower policy is to ensure that a violation of policy, ethics, or law can be reported by employees, volunteers, or others without fear of retaliation so that problems can be appropriately addressed and corrected.
No Retaliation
It is contrary to the policy of FISH for anyone to retaliate against any board member, officer, employee, or volunteer who in good faith reports an ethics violation or a suspected violation of law, such as a complaint of discrimination, suspected fraud, or suspected violation of any regulation governing the operations of FISH. An employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.
Reporting Procedure
Anyone reporting a concern must act in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates improper conduct or a violation of FISH policies. Employees or volunteers who have concerns should initially share their questions, complaints, or concerns with their supervisor unless that person is the source of the concern. If the person making the complaint does not feel comfortable speaking to the supervisor, the concern should be raised with the Executive Director or, if that does not seem appropriate, with the president of the board of directors. Concerns or complaints may be submitted in writing.
Reports of concerns and investigations related to the concern shall be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
Handling of Reported Violations
The person receiving the complaint will notify the person submitting the complaint that it has been received and that an investigation is underway. All reports will be promptly investigated, and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation. The person making the complaint will be notified of the resolution.